Articles tagged with “ufo”

Report on the UFO wave of 1947 was written by Ted Bloecher back in 1967, but is still today considered one of the most important analyses of the numerous UFO sightings that were reported throughout the U.S. in the mid-1900s. During the summer of 1947 a bizarre and inexplicable situation developed in North America for which no satisfactory explanation has been forthcoming.

On September 14, 2012, at around 15:30 (3:30pm), a cluster of three bright lights could be seen hovering above the ocean close to Vancouver Island, according to a recent report to MUFON. We were sitting on the beach off Dallas Road, in Victoria B.C, (Vancouver Island), when across the water I noticed some bright lights hovering above the ocean.

This documentary from 1999 examines over 250 amateur video clips, evaluates several revelations about Roswell, and examines footage of the removal of an alien implant. Former NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper discusses his close encounters with alien craft and Bob Lazar gives his account on Area 51. All in all an [...]

Steve Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group has now launched his fifth petition on the White House’s We the People website, asking that information about UFOs and extraterrestrials be released.
WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: reinvestigate an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, NM in 1947 and an Air Force [...]
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20