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Report a UFO sighting

To report a UFO sighting here at UFOEYES, please fill out the short form below. Your report will be entered into our UFO report database, and you can immediately view it on our UFO reports page. You can choose to be anonymous. Please note that this web form is secured by strong 256 bit SSL encryption. We encourage you to be as detailed in your report as possible — and please send along any photos you might have of the object(s). Thank you for taking the time to report your sighting!

Start out with entering your contact details. If you don't want your name associated with the report, just mark the checkbox below.



 I want to be anonymous

Where and when did you see the UFO? Enter the location, press Lookup on map, and choose the exact location on the map.

Date of sighting*



Write a description of the UFO sighting. What did the object(s) look like? For how long did you observe the phenomenon? Please be as detailed as possible. You can also choose to upload an image of the sighting.

Description of the sighting*

Choose an image to be sent with the report

At last, check that the information you have entered is correct and answer the anti-spam question before you send off the report. UFOEYES respects your privacy and your information will only be stored in our database.

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