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90+ year old grandma tells story of UFO landing in Indiana cornfields

90+ year old grandma tells story of UFO landing in Indiana cornfields
This is the story of a UFO landing that took place in Logansport, Indiana in the 1890s. It is told by a 90+ year old woman who was a young girl at the time of the sighting. Her father and grandfather witnessed a silent craft landing in nearby cornfields, alien-looking creatures emerging and all.

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The UFO hotspot in the Ural Mountains, Russia

The UFO hotspot in the Ural Mountains, Russia
Each year, thousands of UFO hunters and scores of scientists travel to certain spots along the Ural mountains to study unexplained phenomena. The Ural mountain range runs pretty much north to south through western Russia and has a long reputation of being a place of high strangeness.

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Day-time UFO filmed over Charlottesville, Virginia on January 27, 2013

Day-time UFO filmed over Charlottesville, Virginia on January 27, 2013
Around 4PM on January 27, 2013, a woman in Charlottesville, Virginia noticed a strange object floating in the air over her house. She saw the UFO — which she describes as a silver colored object — moving up from behind the house across the street, while spinning left to right.

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UFO filmed over Costa Rica by commercial airline pilot on January 23, 2013

UFO filmed over Costa Rica by commercial airline pilot on January 23, 2013
On January 23, 2013, a commercial airline pilot on a flight over Costa Rica captured a UFO as it zipped past his aircraft. One of Costa Rica’s largest news stations, Canal 7, did a report on the pilot’s sighting.

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