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UFO(s) reported over Killeen on October 8, 2012

October 9, 2012Comments No comments
This report was submitted by one of our readers using our UFO sighting report form. Have you seen a UFO yourself? Please submit your report and help us build a comprehensive database.
Sighting date: October 8, 2012 Location: Killeen


Large, flat, bright auras that moved about slowly. Directly located over Fort Hood, TX. There were up to 8 total lights/auras. There were several very long vapor trails in the sky that were clearly from jets to provide great differentiation. These auras were slightly brighter in the middle and moved slowly up and down. The auras were bright and very discernible. All but one disappeared over the trees into the sunset. The other one went up slightly and then there was nothing. I told my friend I was shocked that jets from San Antonio had not arrived yet when all of a sudden a jet flew within a mile of us from behind us and you could see the outline in the sunset, but there was NO SOUND from the jet…… Obviously no pictures the jet as we saw it and it was quickly behind the trees at a low elevation.
All pictures taken at my sons soccer game.
Duration about 5 minutes.

Pics around 7:13 P.M. cst

57 best.


Submitted by Anonymous.

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