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Three UFOs caught on film descending over Cincinnati, Ohio

Three UFOs caught on film descending over Cincinnati, Ohio
These UFOs were spotted descending over Cincinnati, Ohio on the evening of September 29, 2012. While on my way home after work on Fri. 9/28/2012 I stopped at Walmart. On way back to truck my son, daughter and I spotted these objects in the air and took video utilizing our cell [...]

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Dome-shaped UFO photographed over Gramvousa, Crete

Dome-shaped UFO photographed over Gramvousa, Crete
This metallic-looking object was spotted over Gramvousa, Crete on August 19, 2012. The photographer didn't see the object while she was taking the picture, but only became aware of it later while she flicked through the photos on her camera.

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Is someone cleaning the NASA Mars rover Curiosity?

Is someone cleaning the NASA Mars rover Curiosity?
A reader alerted UFOEyes to the fact that on Sol 50 (Curiosity's 50th day on Mars), a mysterious shadow appeared on one of the images sent back to Earth by the rover. At first glance, it sure looks like Curiosity is being cleaned and/or repaired by a backpack wearing humanoid clad in protective goggles.

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UFOs in triangle formation filmed over Arlington, Texas

UFOs in triangle formation filmed over Arlington, Texas
What looks like a triangular object is in fact several UFOs flying in triangle formation, atleast if you are to believe the eyewitness that filmed these strange lights flying over Arlington, Texas on September 10, 2012. Drone or the ever-elusive TR3B?

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