Strange glowing object captured over Tecate, Baja California during solar eclipse
May 27, 2012
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What is this strange object that was captured over Tecate, Baja California during the solar eclipse on May 20, 2012? You tell me.
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On July 29,2013 i saw a strange green glowing bubble in the field on the border where the people try to cross in Tecate Baja California.It was around 10 and it didnt move or anything but it was glowing more from one side than the other.I dont know if it was a radar or something of border patrol or if it was a ufo.And alll of a sudden it was gone in a blink of an eye.It didnt go up or down it just disappeared right before my was my 1st time seeing that.IT WAS TRULY WEIRD!no lie cross my heart.