While filming the moon on september the 15th 2012 with my telescope and Canon EOS 600D i spotted 13 orbs probably starting from a secret alien moonbase. I edited the raw footage and used dirrentent color to get a better look of these objects.
While filming the moon on september the 15th 2012 with my telescope and Canon EOS 600D i spotted 13 orbs probably starting from a secret alien moonbase. I edited the raw footage and used dirrentent color to get a better look of these objects.
A YouTube user (danchek2013) uploaded a video footage of the moon, with a pointer that calls your attention to at least two flying objects. One of the objects made a noticeable strange turn and abrupt change in speed. The objects look like two fireflies or magnified bright specs of dust with the huge moon on the background.
There is no proper description for the video. Viewers are left with only the pointer at the start of the video to draw their own conclusion. Videos like these are often openly dismissed by skeptics, but so far, any possible manipulation has not been pointed out in the comments.
See for yourself, you could be the first one to point out why or why not this clip should be recorded as UFO sighting.
bathtub wrote:The second video has been exposed as a hoax here:
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